Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy (CELI)

Communication for an institution that evolves with society.

CELI, an ecclesiastical body that presides over 15 communities, from Italy’s toe to its top.

In 8 years, BMP has provided CELI with numerous communication services to increase its identity and visibility (being a minority and territorially structured Church), as well as promoting the taxpayers’ voluntary contribution (through the Italian “8×1000” fiscal rule):

  • Institutional communication consultancy
  • Marketing & Communication content (texts for social awareness campaigns; redesign, editorial coordination, and content for the official magazine; conception, scriptwriting, and production of institutional videos; conception, scripting, and production of radio spots; drafting of internal communications; ghostwriting; etc.)
  • Press office (press kits, interviews, opinion articles, statements, press releases, etc.)
  • Advertising consultancy (media selection, negotiating purchases, and planning of radio campaigns)
  • Training (central and local media training)

Holger Milkau

Dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy

From a public relations agency, I expect a personal rapport, understanding of the objectives, advice on how to communicate better and genuine empathy with the client’s way of thinking. BMP succeeds in satisfying all these requirements perfectly. To work alongside an institution like ours takes sensitivity, intelligence and an ability to identify suitable news hooks to make our public image more understandable and more widely known. In addition, BMP has a sympathetic way of relating to people and involving others in the conversation.

In short, if I had to evaluate them, I’d say brilliant, meticulous, and personable: BMP!